5 Ways You Can Grow the Value of Your Home Through Your Garden

When it comes to improvements that can increase property value, there is a good chance that you might picture a new kitchen or a revamped bathroom. However, it’s important to remember that what’s on the outside counts too, and there are quite a few changes you can make to your garden that can enhance the value of your home.


In this article from Wyevale Garden Centres, they share their top five tips for increasing the value of your home by improving your garden. These improvements range from the simple and inexpensive to more ambitious projects, so there is something that almost everyone can do. Read on to find out more.


Work with What You’ve Already Got


While there is probably a good chance that you keep your home in pretty good shape, it is worth having a look outside to see if there is anything that you can improve there.


This might be as simple as trimming back hedges, cutting the grass, or giving the fence a new coat of paint or varnish, as the little things can go a long way to making a good impression on any potential buyers. It’s also important that you keep on top of these jobs, especially if your home has been on the market for a prolonged period of time.




Increase Your Garden’s Privacy


In a survey from the Royal Horticultural Society, 82% of people asked said they spent time in their garden relaxing and 92% of people agreed that being in a garden helped them to relax and de-stress. Looking at this information, it is clear that most people like their gardens to be a haven from the busyness of daily life. You can increase your garden’s appeal by doing everything to make this possible.


The best way to do so is to improve the privacy of your garden with a boundary fence or hedge. If you live in an urban area, a taller perimeter can shield your home from some of the hustle and bustle of the area, preserving some calmness. Not only that, but a fence or hedge can increase your home’s appeal for families or people with pets, as the boundary can add an extra level of security.



Before you begin any work on installing a fence or growing a hedge, you should check the government’s Planning Portal website to see if you need to seek planning permission.


Related: The Ultimate Guide to Fitting a Garden Gate 


Show How Your Garden Can Be Enjoyed with Some Garden Furniture


A garden that’s obviously enjoyed all the time can impress potential buyers, and the easiest route to showing the value of your space is by investing in some furniture. If you have a nice quality seating space or an attractive barbecue area, it is much simpler for visitors to visualise themselves in your garden enjoying life. Other types of garden furniture, like water features and lighting, can also greatly improve the visual aesthetic of your outdoor space.


Garden furniture set


Create the Illusion of Space with Some Decking


Adding some decking near to your back door can create the illusion of more space from the indoors to the greenery of your garden. Space is a desirable quality for buyers, so really maximising the perception of an open and roomy garden is a good way of adding some value to your home.


Decking will also appeal to people who like to entertain guests and use their garden as a social space. You can really emphasise this by pairing your decking with a large table and enough chairs so that buyers can see themselves hosting family and friends. Having a barbecue nearby and some nice potted plants can help form this image too.


By adding covering to your decking like a beautiful glass veranda or awning, you can enhance the value of your property, as well as providing an area that can be enjoyed whatever the weather.


Get the Best Return on Investment with a Conservatory


According to research by finance firm Zopa, having a conservatory added to your home delivers the best return on investment of any home improvement you can make, with a 108% profit. They found that the average cost of building a conservatory to be around £5,300, while the median profit earned when selling the home is £5,750. These figures put this development as one of the priciest improvements you can make to your garden, but also the one with the largest pay-off.


Anglian Regency Conservatory white uPVC


Get a Conservatory Quote


Conservatories are so popular because they add an extra room to your home – one that can benefit from natural light and will have a pleasant, airy atmosphere. There are a few reasons that you should think twice before going ahead with a project like this namely, if your garden is too small or if you will overstretch your finances in the short-term. Think carefully before committing to a conservatory, but if you are able to, you can look forward to maximised profits in the future.


Consider these five tips if you are looking for ways to increase the value of your home. The garden is often overlooked ahead of interior improvements, but with the right planning you can get much more value out of your garden than you might think.


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