A Guide to Modern Home Etiquette

Keeping elbows off the table and feet off furniture are classic rules of home etiquette, but how have modern times changed these traditions?


Here at Anglian Home Improvements, we’ve been investigating just what it means to be a house guest in the digital age, and it appears the etiquette is changing. So to avoid any 21st century faux pas, make sure you’re up to date with our Modern Etiquette Guide.




Modern Home Etiquette Survey


Before creating this helpful and humorous guide to modern home etiquette, we carried out a survey, researching how traditional rules have changed with technology becoming a much larger part of our day-to-day lives.


We asked 1,000 UK residents questions about how comfortable they’d be asking for the Wi-fi password, a phone/tablet charger, helping themselves to a drink, putting their elbows on the table or even taking a nap in someone else’s home.


We also asked them about guests putting their feet on furniture, cutting their nails, taking control of the TV remote, answering the home phone and their guests walking into their home without knocking.


From this, we gathered some interesting findings. Guests putting their feet on the furniture (59%) was considered a top issue from hosts, closely followed by cutting nails (58%) and taking control of the TV remote (52%).


As a guest it seems we are now very comfortable asking for the Wi-fi password (31% happy to do so) – how long you should wait to do this is another matter! In a world focused around gadgets, it’s no surprise to see 24% of us are comfortable asking for a charger for your mobile or tablet.


59% of men said guests cutting their nails in their home is the most rude thing a guest could do, whilst 62% of women said putting feet on the furniture was the worst thing.


Our survey highlighted how modern home etiquette has changed – it also highlighted some bizarre occurrences hosts have had including their guest running a bath for themselves without asking, guests falling asleep behind sofas, breaking the toilet seat, being sick in the garden and not admitting to it and rifling through personal items, including mail!


It sounds like these guests need to read out guide! What’s the strangest thing a guest has done in your home? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.


The post A Guide to Modern Home Etiquette appeared first on Good to be Home.

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