Kids Bedroom Style Tips for Learning & Playing Fun

In order for kids to be able to grow up in a healthy and fun environment, you will need to help them create a unique setting for their bedroom. Not only is it important to make the room to their liking, but, you should look into what fun and creative ways you can introduce to help them with studying as well.


Find a Theme


Your kid will want to have a room they can be proud of, and nothing makes it more interesting than having a general theme chosen. Be sure to include your child in the decision, as it will be their room after all. Nevertheless, try to incorporate items and ideas in a way which can make it interesting and educational at the same time. You are trying to give your kid the best chances to have fun in their room, and to also stimulate their drive to learn.


Themed childrens rooms


Paint the Walls


It goes without saying that you should pay attention to the colour choice in your kid’s room, which means that you should avoid having too many vivid shades. However, be sure to create a chalkboard wall for your kid to enjoy, and to have complete freedom to scribble on. Not only will it be good for chalking down things, but, you will not have to worry about cleaning it up later on. On the other hand, it will be a good way to write down chores and what needs to be done, so that your kid can follow easily.


A chalk wall is a great idea for a child's bedroom


Make the Floors Count Too


Look into what you can do to make the room even more interesting, as there is a plethora of decorative items you can choose from. Make sure that you go with something your kid really likes, or you will not hear the end of it. For smaller kids, it is a good idea to invest in learning carpets, which gave specific designs to boost creativity and the curious mind. Moreover, if you get a few of them to spend time in their room, you can make sure that your kids and their friends will have fun while being able to learn something as well.


Colouful decoration for childrens rooms


Is a Computer a Good Thing?


Certainly, a computer can be a useful asset for any kid who is seeking more knowledge. Though, you will have to spend some time and effort on ensuring that you show your children how to use it. Set and implement some ground rules regarding how to use computers, and be around until they are old enough to be left alone with it.


Kids room decoration


Reading Is Power


Install a number of shelves to give your child the opportunity to start collecting books from an early age. Let your kid give you a helping hand in putting the selves up, as it will make them feel special, and that they have done something in order to make their own room better. Furthermore, try to find books they like the most and start filling up the shelves with interesting titles.


Reading books helps develop children's minds


Collecting Can Teach Responsibility


Passing on a tradition you might have started and letting your child have fun with it can certainly be a fun endeavour. However, you will have to explain in detail why collecting is good, and how it can help boost morale and stimulate the creative mind. Sideshow Collectibles offer excellent value and range of superhero action figures with great detail, making them a must for every little collector. In the long run, it will give your kid a sense of responsibility and accomplishment, as well as a purpose. Moreover, some collectibles have amazing detail on them, offering a chance to even learn something from them too.


Ornaments & accessories for childrens room


Never forget that it is your kid’s room you are trying to help decorate and set up. While you might have some ideas which could improve it, you need to consult with your child beforehand, after all, it is they who will be spending most of their time there, and they need to like it. Keep in mind that some things are helpful to them in more than one way, but, only if they want to make use of it.


The post Kids Bedroom Style Tips for Learning & Playing Fun appeared first on Good to be Home.

What is Secondary Glazing?

If you’re living in a listed building or conservation area and are looking to improve your home’s energy efficiency, replacing the windows probably isn’t an option, but what can you do? You should investigate if your home can have secondary glazing installed!


But what is secondary glazing you ask? Secondary glazing has been around for many years as we first looked to make our homes warmer by reducing the amount of heat escaping out of our single glazed windows. Anglian have been providing homes with secondary glazing since 1966 when they began with company founder George Williams making them in his garage!


Secondary glazing is designed to seamlessly fit over your existing windows, therefore not effecting the appearance on the outside of your home, which often complies with rules on listed buildings and conservation areas.


Secondary glazing in a living room with window seat


The Benefits of Secondary Glazing


If secondary glazing is what your home is in need of, it will definitely help increase the performance of the current windows. By adding an extra layer of glass onto the inside of the windows in your home, you quieten any unwanted noise from outside, close out any draughts and keep more warmth inside your home.


Secondary glazed window being fitted


As well as making your home more draught-proof, warmer and quieter, it will maintain the original look and still allow you to open the windows should you want to let some fresh air in. If you choose Anglian to provide you with secondary glazing, they will manufacture it to the exact measurements of the original windows so that it blends effortlessly.


Most secondary glazing is available as a vertical sliding unit, to match sliding sash windows or you can have horizontally-opening windows, which slide allowing you to gain access to the original windows.


If you live in a listed building and are looking to improve the performance of your windows, but are unable to replace them with new windows, give Anglian a call to discuss their range of secondary glazing.


The post What is Secondary Glazing? appeared first on Good to be Home.