Win £100 Vouchers with Pictures of your Pets

The United Kingdom is a nation of pet lovers and the Internet is filled with pictures of our beloved animals looking cute, being dressed up in incredible clothing, or doing the most bizarre things!


We are no different at Anglian and have a selection of photos of our customers’ pets enjoying sitting by a newly installed window, relaxing in a sunny conservatory or using their newly installed cat/dog flap installed in a new Anglian door.


This month’s competition is celebrating our pets and our products as we want you to send us pictures of your pets using their own special entrance into their home. Post them to our Facebook page or Twitter page using the Rafflecopter widget below to enter – our 3 favourite pictures will win £100 PetPlanet vouchers.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



To get you inspired, here’s some pictures of Anglian cats and dogs!


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var data_0 = []; var event_stack_0 = []; data_0["0"] = []; data_0["0"]["id"] = "103"; data_0["0"]["alt"] = "Cat using it's cat flap "; data_0["0"]["description"] = ""; data_0["0"]["image_url"] = "/Quayle05.jpg"; data_0["0"]["thumb_url"] = "/thumb/Quayle05.jpg"; data_0["0"]["date"] = "05 May 2016, 09:28"; data_0["0"]["is_embed"] = ""; data_0["0"]["is_embed_video"] = ""; data_0["1"] = []; data_0["1"]["id"] = "104"; data_0["1"]["alt"] = "Dog sitting by patio doors "; data_0["1"]["description"] = "Copyright: Copyright:mattkealphotography

”; data_0[”1”][”image_url”] = ”/Shah22173.jpg”; data_0[”1”][”thumb_url”] = ”/thumb/Shah22173.jpg”; data_0[”1”][”date”] = ”05 May 2016, 09:28”; data_0[”1”][”is_embed”] = ””; data_0[”1”][”is_embed_video”] = ””; data_0[”2”] = []; data_0[”2”][”id”] = ”105”; data_0[”2”][”alt”] = ”Cat entering a house ”; data_0[”2”][”description”] = ”Copyright: Copyright:mattkealphotography

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Cat using it's cat flap Dog sitting by patio doors Cat entering a house

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Terms and conditions


1) These terms and conditions apply to the Anglian Home Improvements Pet Pictures competition (“the competition”) run by Anglian Home Improvements (“the company”), and by entering themselves into the competition, entrants will be deemed to have read and accepted these terms and agree to be bound by them. Those who do not agree will not be entered into the competition.


2) The objective of the competition is for entrants to send pictures of their pets using cat or dog flaps, and enter via the Rafflecopter widget. The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges at Anglian Home Improvements.


3) The company: Anglian Home Improvements, Liberator Rd, Norwich, NR6 6EU.


4) The competition opens on May 6th 2016 and closes on June 10th 2016 (“the closing date”). 3 winners will be chosen based on their pictures.


5) This competition is open only to residents of the UK aged 18 years or over. Employees of the company, their families or anyone else associated with this competition or its operation are not allowed to apply.


6) All information detailing how to enter this competition forms part of these terms and conditions. It is a condition of entry that all rules are accepted as final and that the entrant abides by these rules. The decision of the company is final, and no correspondence will be entered into after the decision. Submission of an entry will be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.


7) To enter, you must:


Use the Rafflecopter widget to send a picture of your pet using a cat/dog flap.


3 winning entries will be determined by Anglian Home Improvements and the winning entrants will be contacted within 48 hours of a decision being made via the social network you enter via.



The final decision is binding and no correspondence will be entered into. The company reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and entrants and to disqualify anyone who submits an entry that is in breach of the rules, or those that do not comply with content restrictions (defined below).


8) CONTENT RESTRICTIONS: Entrants must not include any of the following content in any entry:


i) pornography, adult-oriented content or any other sexually-explicit material;


ii)explicit language or content, images of violence, or promotion of illegal activities;


iii) content which infringes intellectual property rights or laws;


iv) content which is defamatory or maliciously false;


v) content which brings or is likely to bring the company, its website or Anglian Home Improvements into disrepute;


vi) material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age or any other basis;


vii) content owned by any party other than the entrant or the company (e.g. recorded music; pre-produced video, etc.);


viii) material that is unlawful, or which may constitute a criminal offence including (without limitation) the Communications Act 2003, Malicious Communications Act 1988 or any other legislation in force during the competition.


Any entry which does not comply with these content restrictions, in the sole discretion of the company, will be disqualified from the competition.


9) By entering the competition and submitting an entry, every entrant:


(a) agrees that his/her entry does not otherwise violate Anglian Home Improvements’ Terms of Use or infringe the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity;


(b) grants to the company the perpetual and unlimited right and license to use, license, edit, modify, duplicate and/or create derivative works from the winning entries throughout the world and in perpetuity, including, but not limited to, the right for the promoter to publish, display, broadcast, distribute, reproduce, perform, create derivative works from and otherwise use the entry via the internet or any other interactive media, on television, in print and/or any other media currently existing and hereafter developed and without limitation and without further payment or compensation to the entrant following the delivery of the prize, or his/her heirs and successors,


(i) on its own or as part of any audio-visual or other production;


(ii) to advertise any of Anglian Home Improvements’ products;


(iii) for any other purpose whatsoever.


(c) Any works showcased on the site as winners will nonetheless be credited to those who submit them, highlighting their ability to produce winning entries or any that will be shortlisted in an online gallery collection, the size of which is at the company’s discretion.


10) Entrants agree that the company will be entitled to edit entries as it deems fit in accordance with current advertising regulations and will not be obliged to make any use of any part or all of a entry.


11) Entrants are solely responsible for Internet connectivity, software and/or hardware that may be required in order to create and/or submit any entry.


12) All entries must be received by the closing date.


13) Only one entry per person. No purchase necessary. Late, illegible, incomplete or corrupt entries will not be accepted. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries and proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. Entries must not be sent through agencies or third parties.


14) The winners will receive a prize consisting of one £100 PetPlanet voucher.


15) By entering into the competition, the winners agree to participate in publicity and promotional activity following the competition, should it be required. This may include use of their name and image in online and offline publicity, communications, and in any other media worldwide without any fee being paid.


16) For the names of the winners, please send an SAE to Anglian Home Improvements, Anglian’s Pets Pictures Competition, Liberator Rd, Norwich, NR6 6EU within four weeks of the closing date.


17) Events may occur that render the competition itself or the awarding of the prize impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the company and accordingly the company may at its absolute discretion vary, amend or cancel the competition without notice (in particular if it or the website on which the competition is operated is affected by any denial-of-service attacks, viruses, hacking or any other technologically-harmful material or act) and the entrant agrees that no liability will attach to the company as a result thereof.


18) To the extent permitted by law, the company and its agents and representatives hereby expressly exclude any liability whether in contract, tort, criminal law, breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage, injury or disappointment (including without limitation any pure economic loss) suffered or incurred by any entrant, winner or any third party whether foreseeable or not in connection with:


(a) any act or omission of the company in developing, planning and administering the competition;


(b) any entry or attempted entry into the competition.


19) The company will not be liable for any inability of any person to enter the competition because of any unavailability of such page, failures in computer systems or networks, other malfunctions, or for any other reason.


20) The company will not be liable for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network, cable, satellite, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or lines, computer systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any damage to the entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials relating to this competition.


21) All conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute or common law are expressly excluded from these Terms.


22) Nothing in these Terms will exclude or limit the company’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.


23) Entrants agree that by entering the competition their personal details may be stored and otherwise processed by the company for the purposes of administering the competition and for the marketing and sending of other special offers where you have consented to receive the same.


24) If you have a comment, query or complaint about these terms or the promotion, please contact Anglian Home Improvements, Liberator Road, Norwich, NR6 EU.


25) The company may refuse to provide the prize in the event that an entrant fails to satisfy the eligibility requirements under these terms in clauses 5 and 7 above, or has committed or is alleged to have committed any act of fraud or dishonesty, or is in breach of any of these terms.


26) In the event of any dispute regarding these terms, conduct, results and all other matters relating to the competition, the decision of the company will be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.


27) If any provision of these terms (or part of any provision) is found by any court or other competent authority to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions will