How to Decorate Bay Windows

Bay windows are a beautiful feature in a variety of homes, giving you a bit of extra room that is bathed in sunlight. One issue you may encounter with your bay window is how they can be a little bit tricky to decorate. This is mainly due to their shape, but we’ve not only got some great ideas on how to use them, but also how to decorate them to make your bay window look stunning!


Decorating Your Bay Window


This will depend on how you’re using the bay area, something we will cover further down, however, here’s some ways to make it stand out from the crowd.


Paint & Wallpaper


Using a different colour paint or wallpaper to the rest of the room will not just make it unique to the room, but it’ll also make it stand out. Try to make the change subtle so it isn’t too much of a stark contrast, for example, using a mocha colour for the bay area if the rest of the room is magnolia or a light colour will create a warm area to relax in.


If you have a wooden bay, you could try painting it the same colour as a feature wall inside your home, like the one below.


Bay window with different decor


Image Source


If the room is wallpapered, pick a colour that’s within the wallpaper to paint the area to make it different. If you want to, continue the wallpaper around the bay to make the shape of the bay blend in with the room.


Related: Should you choose curtains, blinds or shutters for your bay window?


If you really want to make a statement with your bay window, choose a colour that contrasts the rest of the room or brightly colour fabrics for curtains or upholstery.


How to Use Your Bay Window


A Window Seat


This is probably one of the most popular uses of a bay window as it makes a superb area to relax with a book, a cup of tea or a glass of wine, basking in the sun and enjoying the views you have.


There are hundreds if not thousands of window seat designs out there – a quick Pinterest search will fill you with inspiration on what you should do with your bay window. This is our personal favourite!


Bay Window seat-housetohome


Image source


Kitchen Seating & Dining Area


If you are lucky enough to have a bay window in your kitchen, make full use of it by making it a dining area. It makes for a bright and airy space to eat with an outside view, helping boost the conversational vibes.


Depending on the size of the bay window area, you can have different uses, such as a breakfast bar or a full bench with comfy cushions. This will provide a lovely place to have some family time with every meal.


kitchen window seat ideas


Image via Huffington Post, Sarah Richardson




If you’re looking for an area to set up a desk and work from home, a bay window can provide the ideal zone for this. Find a desk that fits the space, ensure there’s an electricity supply nearby for your computer, laptop or gadgets and away you go.


The natural light will help you concentrate better, just try not to get too distracted with the scenes outside the window!


Thomas Sanderson blue blinds in office




If you’re struggling for storage, creating a big seating area with storage beneath it can be very beneficial. Here’s a really good guide on how to make your own bay window seat with storage. You can choose whether to have a chest or drawers that open beneath the seat, whichever suits your home and the room best.


Alternatively, you can buy chests of drawers that double up as seating, so find one that fits your bay perfectly and enjoy the new chill out zone!


Bare Bay Window




Believe it or not, a bay window creates a beautiful area for a bath! If you have a bathroom that isn’t overlooked or has frosted glass in the windows, this can create the most relaxing area of your home.


Just imagine yourself with this stunning free-standing bath at home. You can really set the mood with candles around the windowsill, the lights dimmed, gentle music playing and maybe even a glass of wine for the ultimate relaxation.


Bath Bay window


Image source




This again depends on the size of your bay window, but putting a bed here can not only be beneficial for your sleep cycle and waking up, it also looks beautiful in a nicely decorated room.


With your bed in the window, if you have light curtains that allow light to pass through, it can help you wake up more naturally, which can make you feel less tired and more energised during the day.


Bed in a bay window design sponge


Image source


So, there you have some ways to decorate and use your bay window. Have you got any unique ways of using your bay window or do you have decorating tips? Let us know in the comments section below.


The post How to Decorate Bay Windows appeared first on Good to be Home.

Are We Doing Enough to Save Money on Our Household Bills

Whether we like it or not, household bills equate to some of our biggest monthly outgoings. From water to electricity, gas to council tax, the cost of running your home all adds up. However, where it may be easy to complain about the high costs of bills these days, the question is, are we doing all we can to save money on our bills?


Results of a recent NatWest survey revealed that, across Great Britain, consumers are missing out on opportunities to save money on their household bills.


Save money on your heating billsWhere switching providers can often offer a chance to save money, almost a third of consumers never shop around for a better deal on their household bills, with households in Scotland, Wales and London the least likely to do so. Landline phone bills come out on top as the bill which people are least likely to shop around on, with 37% of consumers admitting to never shopping around, followed by TV paid packages (35%) and mobile phone bills (32%).


When it comes to energy usage, the vast majority feel that they are energy conscious to some extent, with the most popular energy saving devices in the home being double glazing, energy saving light bulbs and insulation for both loft and walls. However, around half of consumers in Great Britain still feel that they could be doing more.


Perhaps this is in part due to a lack of awareness of the energy saving schemes available through the government and energy suppliers, designed in order to make homes more energy efficient. The survey revealed that a third of consumers aged 18-34 were unaware of these grants and where awareness was higher with older generations, still 1 in 10 over 65s were unaware of the help available.


So, whether it’s shopping around for a better deal, or looking into the help available when it comes to saving energy, it appears that there is still much more we could be doing to save money on our household bills.


The post Are We Doing Enough to Save Money on Our Household Bills appeared first on Good to be Home.

What’s the Best Compliment You’ve Ever Received?



A few weeks ago, Steve and I were lying in bed talking about the day’s events. He shared some of his frustrations concerning work, mainly the amount of time spent in meetings versus actually working. I shared my frustrations regarding the kids, mainly the amount of time spent cleaning up after them, keeping attitudes in check and refereeing bickering matches.


That’s when Steve turned to me and said, “I love that our kids love to read. I love that they have big imaginations and ask hard questions. I love that they’re so unique. You know that’s because of you, right?”


me & my minions


My eyes welled up. I wasn’t expecting his words and I surely wasn’t expecting them to affect me so deeply. He had just given me the best compliment. Ever. When people compliment me on superficial things like my house, my hair or even my kids’ behavior in public, it definitely puts a pep in my step but this was different – especially coming from someone whose opinion I value greatly. I will carry it with me forever.


Now I just need to master the act of accepting compliments. I tend to be self-deprecating which isn’t becoming at all.


What’s the greatest compliment you’ve ever received? How do you respond to compliments? I’d love to hear your stories.


images: Dana Miller for House*Tweaking